My grandfather was 1/2 blooded Cherokee indian, all of my life I have found the Native American culture to be such an interesting topic. I loved reading history that gave me more information about their cultures and their plight in general. As an illustrator I have always been drawn to the intricate detail of the clothing and ornate bead work of the Sioux. I loved their breast plates, their use of eagle feathers, the war paint, and just endless creativity of their tribes. This piece is based off of the legend of the Thunderbird. A great supernatural bird of power and strength. Sioux stories tell that in "old times" the thunderbirds destroyed dangerous reptilian monsters called the Unktehila. (taken from wikipedia) I imagine the Warrior and the Thunderbird to be jumping into battle to take on their terrible foe, the Unktehila. The Warrior and the Thunderbird Created in Adobe Illustrator on a Wacom Americas Cintiq