website: universek.com
facebook: facebook.com/universekillustration
tumblr: universek.tumblr.com
instagram: universek
Superheroes are still the funnest thing for me to create. I love DC comics and Marvel comics heroes still to this day. Though I don't purchase their comics as much as I used too, mostly because I'm sick of the constant event publishing the two are into now. So, instead of drawing yet another image of Superman saving the planet. I decided to use a character I created for my business universe K, LLC about 15 years ago. He's nothing too fancy, but I think he's fun and is really geared toward the younger crowd. Call this one "Save the world" Print available at http://goo.gl/WilP9u Created in Adobe Illustrator with some Adobe Photoshop painted bkgd. On a Wacom Cintiq